It's time to join the club

If you want to reduce overwhelm + learn to grow your business account on Instagram, then the Aspire Social Club is for you. Whether you are product or service based, this course will guide you through each step of the way with practical examples and workbooks designed to get you thinking and working smarter, never harder.

If you want to learn the exact (sustainable) strategies I used to grow my account to over 30k followers and a multiple 5 figure business - and how to apply them to your business - in just a few short months, then this is the course for you. It's time to cut out the stress, overwhelm and confusion around Instagram for business and start thriving.

We are going to uncover the marketing strategies needed to grow your brand, understand your audiences buyer psychology and convert them into lifelong customers.

Are you ready?

Let's eliminate the below in 2022

Wanting to throw your phone out the window when someone tells you to 'add value'

Planning, creating, writing + posting content feeling like a chore

Posting and being met with crickets and tumbleweed

The algorithms making you feel confused + frustrated

The 'ick you feel when you try to sell yourself on Instagram

Going through phases of loving/hating Instagram

Not knowing how to attract people to your business + convert them to paying customers

Getting confused by the never-ending 'tips' you see on Instagram

Posting reels that follow trends but do nothing for your business

Not knowing where to find GOLDEN NUGGET content ideas

Get your Instagram ready for 2022 with Maria

2022 is just around the corner, and with that comes fresh opportunities for sales + growth. Start off on the right foot with Maria + the Aspire Social Club and get your strategy in the strongest place yet.

Maria has worked in the consumer PR and social space since 2013, covering brands from pet food, to festival tickets, home, clothing, network marketing and everything in between.

In April 2021, she started Aspire Social to inspire business owners to take control of their marketing efforts. In doing so, she grew from 98 - 30k followers in a few short weeks, quit her role as Head of Social at a digital agency here in the UK and has helped over 130 business owners look at how they create content differently.

If you want to learn from someone who has done it all before + knows the way to strategically grow a brand (not just a social account), then the Aspire Social Club will unlock all of those questions for you and more.

Is this course for you?

If you have a product or service to sell, and you want to learn how to identify and approach your audience with confidence, then this course is for you.

I have had beta testers from all levels of Instagram awareness try out the course; from coaches, to network marketers and product businesses (messy play kits!) and all have increased their stats by as much as 700%. One of my lovely testers had to close her online orders to try and keep up with them - that's how much power this course can give you.

Each module has been recorded by yours truly, to make you feel as though I'm right there with you explaining every step of the way. You will complete one module to move on to the next, implementing the homework and advice as you go. So you're constantly levelling up instead of filling your head with more information and not knowing where to go next.

What are you getting for your investment?

  1. 9 modules, pre-recorded with myself talking you through every single step
  2. Worksheets to help you narrow down your marketing direction
  3. Homework after each module to make sure you are implementing everything you are learning - no more confusion around Instagram
  4. Learn how to use data and social listening to plan your content without breaking a sweat + convert followers to clients/customers
  5. Figure out your own routine on Instagram + reduce the stress and overwhelm for good
  6. Learn how to sell your product or service without ever feeling the 'ick or repelling your audience


  1. A walk through of how to use Canva for content inspiration
  2. LIVE group Q&A session with myself to answer any questions you may have as you work through the modules + dedicated email support
  3. FREE PDF downloads of the ASC content planners, or physical planners that I will send to you for free if you choose to pay in full.

Payment Plans

I get it. You're a business owner. Sometimes you need to look at things as investments in your business, and the Aspire Social Club is one of them.

If you want to take advantage of this Black Friday deal but don't want to part ways with £699 upfront, why not split the cost interest free. Choose between 3, 6 or 12 month payment plans and start making Instagram work FOR you once and for all.

3 x £233

6 x £117

12 x £59

Here's What You'll Work Through

  Welcome To The Club [Please Watch!]
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Six
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Seven
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Eight
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Nine
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Big Business Energy
Available in days
days after you enroll

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